Flappy Bird – Background

Copy the two images below into the folder you have saved your code file

— NOTE: Make sure you use the correct files names


Now add the following code

# Create a Background_Image variable
# background
BACKGROUND_IMAGE = pygame.image.load('background.jpg')
##                                                      ##
##      Replace this with Code from Step THREE-A        ##
##                                                      ##
# Create the Game Block
# - set running = True
running = True
##                                                      ##
##      Replace this with Code from Step SIX-B          ##
##                                                      ##
# - Start While running Iteration
while running:
    # - Draw the screen\
    SCREEN.fill((0, 0, 0))
    # - Display the background Image
    # display the background image
##                                                      ##
##      Replace this with Code from Step SEVEN-B        ##
##                                                      ##
    #- Check for quitting
    for event in pygame.event.get():
        # check for closing window
        if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
            running = False
##                                                      ##
##      Replace this with Code from Step THREE-B        ##
##                                                      ##
    # - Update the display
    # Update the display after each iteration of the while loop
##                                                      ##
##      Replace this with Code from Step FOUR-B         ##
##                                                      ##
# - Program Quit
# Quit the program

Run your code

You should see a screen like this